Don’t Leave Her Without a Hug

By Ngozi H. Asoya (Larryhappiday)

I came across this video on the importance of a hug and I think you should watch it. This comedian is a spontaneous and unconventional humour merchant but if you get taken by the humour you lose the lesson.

Machigold Hug Shun

Face of disappointment for being shun

Click here to watch the funny Facebook post.

A woman not hugged is an emotional wreck.

I think this was an unfortunate play on people’s emotions šŸ˜” but I see the lesson in it. We can make people happier šŸ˜‰šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ if we showed them love. And this applies to men too. Who doesn’t want to feel loved? So let’s make our homes a happier place with more hugs.

… let’s make our homes a happier place with more hugs.

Who Needs a Hug?

Everyone needs a hug. The feel good oxytocin that wells up when people are shown love through a hug helps them to feel better, happier, and more able to cope with the challenge of a productive living.

The husband going to work, the child off to school, the wife returning from work and that patient recovering from illness all benefit from a hug. So be generous with your hug. It heals an ailing soul.

More Hug Pranks

The husband going to work, the child off to school, the wife returning from work and that patient recovering from illness all benefit from a hug. So be generous with your hug. It heals an ailing soul.

Published by larryhappiday

A journalist and human capital trainer. Larry is CEO of Myhappiday Communications, Lagos

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