Why Marriages Are Failing

Divorces are increasing astronomically: an examination of reasons for collapse of marriage.

Marriage creates a new identity, a new existence, and a new family in addition to uniting two people. Unless and until this concept is swallowed, digested and internalized, marriage has not taken place. I make bold to say that the closer a marriage gets to this standard, the more likely it is to succeed.

Photo: openverse

The question is: how many of you married people have experienced marriage at this level of consciousness? How many young people have heard this from their parents? And how many institutions of society encourage this depth of commitment?

Marriage creates a new identity, a new existence, and a new family in addition to uniting two people

Given the philosophical vacuity of most marriages, it is not difficult to see why many marriages fail from the onset. Too many negative vestiges of the past: culture, history, religious emptiness and social trends combine in different proportions to conspire against this ideal of attain this ideal situation. The result has been horrendous to the institution of marriage.

In today’s post, I want to examine some other reasons Marriage Certificates are now meaningless and oaths now a curse word. Why is there an increase in divorce rates?

Given the philosophical vacuity of most marriages, it is not difficult to see why many marriages fail from the onset

Broken marriages now rampant

Many people have expressed alarm about the rising divorce rates over the past couple decades. The ongoing case between footballer Hakimi Achraf from Morocco and his wife brings this to full focus. So let’s examine a few possible causes of this trend, while being cognizant that there are undoubtedly many others.

Adapting to new social mores: Couples who are unhappy in their marriages may view divorce as a more appealing choice now that society accepts it more readily. Divorce rates could rise as a result of this.

Economic factors: Financial stress or job loss can strain marriages and raise the divorce rate. Economic volatility can also cause marriages to become more strained. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic’s financial effects, this has been particularly true recently.

Financial stress or job loss can strain marriages and raise the divorce rate.

Infidelity: The development of social media and dating apps may make it simpler for people to cheat on their spouses. Affairs are one of the leading causes of divorce.

Seeing a counselor may help to stem the tide of divorce
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Lack of communication: In many marriages, there is a problem with poor communication, which can result in misunderstandings, animosity, and eventually divorce.

Domestic violence: is a significant problem that can result in divorce, especially if the victim feels unsafe in the relationship.

Unreasonable Expectations: Many people begin marriage with unreasonable expectations, such as expecting their partner to satisfy all of their emotional needs or find solutions to all of their issues, including sex. Marriage unhappiness and disappointment can result when these expectations are not realised, as often they are not.

Many people begin marriage with unreasonable expectations, such as expecting their partner to satisfy all of their emotional needs or find solutions to all of their issues, including sex

Peer pressure can damage your new marriage: evolve a social media policy for the new family and stick to it
Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com

Peer pressure: peer pressure from the internet is also contributing to the problem. How? Social media fosters a culture where people frequently compare their circumstances with those of others. People may feel compelled to measure up or to end their own relationships if they believe they aren’t achieving these standards when they see their friends posting about their allegedly great relationships. There are other ways that social media may be killing young marriages: we shall make that a different post in a few days time.

Family pressures: One of the reasons new marriages may not evolve into the ideal is due to family pressures from the ceding homes. When children are thrown into the society to go and multiply, they are often not expected to evolve but mainly become outposts for old prejudices, habits and cultures to fester. Many parents, siblings and old friends do not give the new marriage the freedom to develop on its natural path.

I can not emphasize it enough that marriage is the beginning of a journey of two hearts becoming one, four eyes seeing as two and two souls fusing into one. Marriages have to be allowed to evolve and blossom independently on their natural courses.

I can not emphasize it enough that marriage is the beginning of a journey of two hearts becoming one, four eyes seeing as two and two souls fusing into one

Finally, I call for a return to the basics that worked well in the past: honesty, transparency, open communication, shared values of joy and self contentment. Without these, we may keep seeing more marriage certificates meaning nothing to those who Labour so much to acquire them.


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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

2 thoughts on “Why Marriages Are Failing

  1. Fantastic Read !
    I completely agree with the author’s perspective on the collapse of marriage. The concept of marriage goes beyond just a legal contract or a social obligation, it entails a deep commitment to building a new identity and a family together. It’s unfortunate that many marriages today lack this depth of commitment and consciousness, leading to their eventual failure. This article raises important questions that need to be addressed by individuals and institutions alike. It’s refreshing to read such thought-provoking content that encourages us to re-examine our understanding of marriage and relationships.
    Thanks – PomKing – Adult Dog Guides & Tips http://www.pomeranianpuppies.uk


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