He Destroyed Her Womb in Germany, Ran to Nigeria to Marry Another

Nemesis catches up with man who abandoned wife abroad to marry another in Nigeria

After three abortions and a damaged womb in Germany, lady discovered that her husband traveled to Nigeria to get married to another lady.
What’s the world becoming?
Watch and see why long distance relationships are fraught with uncertainty and why we need to return to godliness again.

Can You Marry a Lady Without Womb?

Watch the video here!


When caught the cheating spouse asked a rhetorical question: “can you marry this kind of woman”. He was referring to her behaviour and lack of a womb.

Born or yet to, babies deserve to live, it’s the responsible thing to do.
Photo by Emma Guliani on Pexels.com

The real question should be: “if you caused her to lose that womb?” In reality, this is a case of irresponsibility. Engaging in sex has a lot of responsibility attached to it. Engaging in pre-marital sex has many risks: this is one of them.
Should a man destroy a girl’s future and escape responsibility? Does he know what awaits him in the new marriage? Should our daughters be open to promiscuity? Shouldn’t the parents take responsibility for how she’s turning out? What kind of man runs from his responsibility? Would he make a good husband?

What are the hazards of having many abortions?

Repeated abortions, also known as numerous induced abortions, pose a number of dangers and severe problems. These are a few examples:

Increased risk of future pregnancy issues: Repeated abortions might raise the chance of future pregnancy complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and placenta previa, which can cause bleeding throughout pregnancy and delivery.

Do not endanger your unborn child
Photo by Thiago Borges on Pexels.com

Damage to the cervix: Repeated abortions can induce cervix damage, which can lead to cervical incompetence, a condition in which the cervix opens too early during pregnancy, potentially leading to preterm birth or miscarriage.

picture of an inflamed ovary and fallopian tube (right)

Increased risk of infection: Repeated abortions can raise the risk of infection, especially if the procedures are not performed in a sterile atmosphere or if the woman has pre-existing health issues that damage her immune system.

Emotional impact: Repeated abortions can have a substantial emotional impact, including emotions of guilt, humiliation, and grief. This can result in despair, anxiety, and other mental health difficulties.

Reduced fertility: Repeated abortions can increase the chance of uterine and fallopian tube damage, which can lower fertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If you weigh these risks, the question to ask is: is it worth engaging in pre-marital sex?

Society Is Blindly Heading to the Rocks.

The Bible is clear about the problem of premarital sex. It calls it fornication. Having seen the above risks, think about it again: should you not flee from the horror of this sin?

Corinthians-1 6:13
“Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body [is] not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.” The body is not for fornication but for edifying God. Every act of fornication is an abuse of privilege.

Thessalonians-1 4:3
“For this is the will of God, [even] your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication” (here we are expressly warned that we should abstain from premarital sex. It is an abomination.

Clearly, part of the aimlessness witnessed all over the world today is a consequence of sexual abuses prevalent everywhere, including the acts of abortion or termination of unborn children. Sure, whatsoever a man sows, that he shall reap. Our world is sowing violence against the the most vulnerable: the unborn child. How would violence not mature against that kind of society?

The way out

From time immemorial, marriages have been entered into in the prime of biological development processes. The human body is equipped by God for sexual activities from teenage years. But the mind has its roles to play in being responsible in sex. Cultures had pre-nuptial trainings that prepared young people for understanding sex and marriage from the age of sixteen (16) to nineteen (19) years.

increasingly, young people are graduating from universities at twenty to twenty two years. There should be a synchronization of the human biological clock with these processes. If I had a daughter, I would encourage her to get married at twenty three to twenty six years. In marriage, there would not be the guilt of sex. There would less risks. There would be more accountability: more responsibility.

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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

2 thoughts on “He Destroyed Her Womb in Germany, Ran to Nigeria to Marry Another

  1. Interesting insights on the risks and consequences of premarital sex and repeated abortions. It’s important to prioritize responsibility and accountability in relationships and avoid putting oneself and others in risky situations.
    founder of balance thy life


    1. Absolutely! Men and women need to learn the concept of accountability and responsibility; that’s what makes intercourse a matured adult function. Thank you for your excellent insight!


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