Should He Be Worried?

Suspicion LONG DISTANCE Absence Tearing A Relationship: How Much Concern Should He Have?

Suspicion is tearing apart a relationship that is intense due to distance. The couple has been together for a couple of months and has been open about their feelings for each other.

Man is distraught that his girlfriend’s long-distance trip may tear their relationship apart

They have been perfect when together and make each other feel incredible. However, their texting habits when separated can be hot or cold.

This was manifested when the lady travelled away for a four-day festival. Whereas they had agreed to keep in touch and remain affectionate, sometimes she goes silent without seemingly valid excuses.

However, the lady is currently away at a festival for a few days, and although they had discussed their expectations for the time of absence, agreeing to send daily texts, to keep in touch and discuss their affairs frequently, after two days being away, he hasn’t heard from her. They have trackers on each other’s phones for safety, so he knows that she is fine but he hasn’t received any messages from her. And this gives him cause for concern. Could she be cheating with another man?

This man is hoping to see her after the festival to discuss the situation and assume she’ll go back to being perfectly fine. He is concerned about the safety of his girl and cares about her and likes to stay in touch with her. They were apart for a few days before, and they appreciate the support they have received from their partner.

Should He Be Worried?

What does this lady’s-absence tell of her loyalty to their relationship? Should he have a reason to worry? Is she being unfaithful by not keeping in touch as agreed? Send your views.

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