‘My Brother-in-law’s Pregnancy Is Still My Husband’s Child’

A Long Distance Relationship Has Been Destroyed By Family Betrayal

Who will save Austin Okon’s marriage? That’s the big question facing a Nigerian man who has been abroad for years as he returned home to reality that his brother had made his wife pregnant.

Both parties still profess love for each other. The woman claims she doesn’t know how it happened. The man revers his Marital vows but finds it difficult to reconcile himself to the new reality. His husband suspects that the his family may have supported the actions that led to pregnancy with his younger brother.

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Where should Mr. Okon turn to for succour? Professional advice from a qualified therapist? Marriage counselor? or should he approach a lawyer? How can the Church help in this matter?

Should he have gone to the social media?

Was Mr. Okon right to have taken this to the social media? Frank Communication in an open and honest manner, to my mind, would have been the first step. A discussion about the situation involving the two brothers, their spouse(s), and any other members of the family is crucial. The Church and Registry have roles too.

Will there ever be trust between the brothers?

Will you forgive a brother who does that to you? Can the two brothers ever trust each other again? How can their relationship be mended? Or should Austin divorce his wife and let his brother have her?

Can this man ever trust his wife again?

Mr. Okon on the left and his wife (right). Julie the interviewer is in the center.

With a baby standing in the way as a perpetual reminder of his wife’s betrayal, is there any chance that these two can ever restore the trust that once existed? Although they still profess love for each other, how can they mend this broken cistern? Please offer your advice. How do they repair the breach?


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