TRIVIA: Trust Issues in Relationships 1

Below are the answers to Part 1 of our Trivia Questions on Trust issues in Relationships. Check our Facebook Group Social Media Hangout for the questions. Thank you.

1. [Answer: (c) Difficulty sharing vulnerabilities]
2. [Answer: (b) Constantly checking their phone]
3. [Answer: (c) Avoidance of open communication]
4. [Answer: (c) Keeping secrets]
5. [Answer: (b) Jealousy and possessiveness]

This Trivia on Trust is in four parts. So keep in touch for the other three parts.


Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

3 thoughts on “TRIVIA: Trust Issues in Relationships 1

  1. Well said,if only our African men especially will abide to all this advises, marriages and relationships will be a lot more better in this continent because majority of the problems in marriages and relationships are from our men who believes that a woman must assimilate any kind of behaviour being put up by them,,that’s why court marriages are advisable and important to check excesses on both couple

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