TEEN: Babies Having Babies

In this introductory post on teenage relations, Pastor Ngozi Hippolytus Asoya explores the diverse issues that affect teens and highlights the need for more attention to teen issues.

Ah, the difficulties of adolescence: stumbling through the hormonal storms in search of one’s identity and goals. Unfortunately, some youngsters may experience pregnancy as a result of these choppy seas. The topic of teen pregnancy has endured throughout history, sparking controversy and heated discussions. There has been an alarming increase in occurrence. So let’s examine the world of young parents and the importance of learning about this subject.

According to a publication in Health Think, “Each year, over 20 million girls (15 to 19 years) in developing countries become pregnant and an estimated 12 million of them give birth (Darroch et al., 2016). No less than 770,000 births occur to adolescent girls below the age of 15 years in developing countries (UNFPA, 2013). Adolescent pregnancy has become a major public health problem, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where almost 10% of girls become mothers by age 16 years…”

Source: https://healththink.org/adolescent-pregnancies-and-its-implications-on-the-female-child/

The significance of researching adolescent pregnancy

You might wonder why teen pregnancy merits our attention. Well, there are strong reasons to investigate this topic beyond the shock factor and possible reality TV programme material. Teenage pregnancy can have significant effects on young people’s lives.

Top Ten Reasons To Worry About Teen Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancies are concerning for a number of reasons, including the potential social, economic, and health repercussions. Ten reasons are listed below why adolescent pregnancies are a cause for concern:

  1. Health Risks: Premature birth, low birth weight, and pregnancy-related hypertension are all more likely to occur in adolescent moms. Additionally, the health risks for their offspring are increased.
  2. Limited Maternal Health information: Teenagers may lack the information necessary to provide good prenatal care, nutrition, and health practises throughout pregnancy, which might result in health issues for both the mother and the unborn child.
  3. Educational Disruption: Teenage pregnancy frequently results in school dropout, which constricts young moms’ options for furthering their education and finding employment. This may keep them in poverty forever.
The shame of teenage pregnancy
  1. Economic Challenges: Due to their lesser educational attainment, teen parents typically have a reduced earning potential. This may result in financial burden and make it tough for them to support themselves and their kids.
  2. Emotional and Psychological Stress: Teenagers might not be psychologically ready for the responsibilities of motherhood, which might cause them to experience more stress, despair, and worry. The well-being of the parents and the kid may be impacted by this.
  3. Social stigma: Teenage pregnancy may be associated with social stigma, which can result in social exclusion, condemnation, and a lack of social support for new parents.
  4. Relationship Stress: Teenage couples could lack the emotional maturity and communication skills necessary to handle the demands of parenthood while preserving a strong relationship.
Paternity Court is full such ‘Babies Having Babies’ cases.
  1. Increased dangerous Behaviours: Teen parents are more likely to engage in dangerous activities including drug abuse and unhealthy lifestyles, which may be detrimental to both their own and their child’s health.
  2. Child Development Challenges: Children born to adolescent parents may experience developmental difficulties as a result of the parents’ possibly insufficient parenting abilities and scarce finances.
  3. Intergenerational Impact: Because children born to young parents are more likely to become teenagers themselves, teenage pregnancy can contribute to a cycle of poverty and restricted prospects.
Statistic: Share of females aged 14-19 years who were pregnant in South Africa from 2018 to 2021, by age | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Factors Affecting the Rates of Teen Pregnancy

Cultural and social aspects

There are several factors that affect the frequency of teen pregnancies. Youth views and behaviours about sex and contraception are significantly shaped by social and cultural norms. It may be taboo to talk about sex in some countries, which makes it difficult for teens to get reliable information and contraceptive options. In addition, peer pressure and media effects may encourage hazardous behaviour and unintended pregnancies in young people.

Economic factors

Money, as they say, “makes the world go ’round,” and it can have an effect on the number of adolescent pregnancies. Teenage pregnancies may be more likely as a result of economic reasons like poverty and restricted access to resources. Young people may seek approval, affection, or escape in toxic relationships when their fundamental needs are not addressed, which can lead to unwanted births.

Influence of family and friends

Ah, the influence of others. Family and peer pressure are important factors in adolescent pregnancy. Teenagers’ attitudes regarding sex and contraception might be influenced by peer pressure and family factors. Families that are understanding and encouraging can offer the

Bible To The Rescue

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

The failure of parenting may also be affecting our children. This results in a high rate of adolescent errors or “sins of youth” with lifelong consequences. Bible resources for helping youth set the right relationship goals abound. Please see our previous post on relationship goals for young adults below.


Babies Having Babies highlights the vulnerabilities of adolescence and parenthood, highlighting the challenges faced by young individuals during this transition. Cultural norms, economic struggles, peer pressure, and family dynamics contribute to the complex nature of teen pregnancy. Understanding these factors helps break the chains of intergenerational adversity and encourages societal engagement in open conversations, sex education, and resource access. By addressing root causes and fostering understanding, we can create healthier futures and nurture the potential of generations to come.

(This is an introduction to the world of teens and the major problems they are facing. We shall be having teen discussions and opportunities for teenage counselling every Thursday. Keep a date with us.)


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