CONFLICT: Swimming In Troubled Waters: The Urgent Need for Conflict Management Skills in Marriages

In the wake of the tragic and heart-wrenching incident involving the untimely death of Nigerian woman Sarah Adeyemo, allegedly shot by her husband Teddy Hassan Adeyemo, a spotlight has been cast on the pressing need for conflict management skills within marriages. This devastating event serves as a somber reminder that effective communication and conflict resolution are not just desirable, but imperative for maintaining healthy and safe relationships.

Mr. and Mrs. Adeyemo could have resolved their differences with better conflict management skills

Marriage, often portrayed as a union of love and companionship, is not exempt from the challenges of modern society. In fact, the complexities of daily life, financial stress, cultural adjustments, and societal expectations can strain even the strongest bonds. It is during these moments of strain that the ability to manage conflicts becomes a lifeline, preventing disagreements from escalating into destructive outcomes.

Domestic violence, like the one that led to Sarah Adeyemo’s tragic death, is often the result of unresolved conflicts and escalating tensions. To prevent such horrific incidents, it is crucial for couples to equip themselves with the tools to navigate disagreements constructively. Here, conflict management skills can play a pivotal role. By fostering open communication, active listening, and empathy, couples can create an environment where differences are acknowledged and addressed without resorting to violence.

Conflict management skills go beyond merely avoiding arguments. They encompass the ability to address differing viewpoints in a respectful manner, finding common ground, and working together to find solutions. For many couples, seeking professional guidance through family counselling can provide a safe space to develop these skills. With the help of trained therapists, couples can learn techniques to express their feelings, concerns, and desires in a healthy and productive way.

The tragic incident involving Sarah Adeyemo’s death highlights the urgent need for conflict management skills in marriages. It is essential for couples to recognize that effective communication and conflict resolution are vital for maintaining healthy and safe relationships. Below are some reasons couples need to have conflict management skills:

Conflict control is essential in marriage:

  1. Better Communication: Resolving disputes fosters improved communication between partners. Couples may communicate their thoughts and worries without worrying about being judged or receiving negative feedback since it promotes open and honest communication.
  2. Prevents Conflict Escalation: Escalation is avoided because unresolved disputes might grow into more serious problems. By dealing with problems while they are still manageable, effective conflict management helps keep things from getting out of hand.
  3. Increases Understanding: Resolving disputes can result in a greater comprehension of one another’s viewpoints and demands. This may encourage empathetic behaviour and strengthen emotional ties within the marriage.
  4. Maintains Emotional: Well-being: In a marriage, unresolved disagreements can cause stress, resentment, and emotional distance. Conflict resolution encourages a better emotional climate by reducing these harmful feelings.
  5. Preserve Trust: The foundation of any happy marriage is trust. When disagreements are resolved amicably, confidence is maintained. On the other side, unsolved disputes can gradually undermine confidence.
  6. Increases Problem-Solving Skills: Learning to resolve disputes cooperatively can enhance marital problem-solving abilities. This can benefit not just marriage problems but also other areas of life where problem-solving is necessary.

In conclusion, good conflict management is crucial in marriage because it promotes clear communication, stops problems from becoming worse, builds empathy and understanding, and protects emotional wellbeing.



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One response to “CONFLICT: Swimming In Troubled Waters: The Urgent Need for Conflict Management Skills in Marriages”

  1. Letter To Fike Disu – Asoya Relationship Musings – ARM avatar

    […] Although your marriage is a few months old already, I have battled with whether it is right to publish this or not. In the end, I’m more convinced that this is the right course to take. If you ever have conflicts, make sure to trouble shoot. I suggest a little course on Conflict Management […]


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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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