ANNIVERSARY: A Tribute To Dr. Florence Nkechi Nmadu

Here is the Remarkable Journey of Florence Nkechi Nmadu: A Scholar, Musician, Pastor and Dedicated Mother as she celebrates her 60th birthday as written by Pastor Ngozi Hippolytus Asoya.

In reverent tribute, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on this auspicious occasion marking the 60th milestone of the distinguished Florence Nkechi Nmadu. Her journey through the realms of academia has been nothing short of illustrious, crowned by the attainment of a Doctorate in the nuanced sphere of Musical Pedagogy, a testament to her unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.

Dr. Florence Nkechi Nmadu: radiant 🌟

Florence Nkechi Nmadu embarked on her educational odyssey at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria, where she cultivated the fertile soil of her musical acumen. Her roots in the world of music burgeoned with a Bachelor of Arts in Music, followed by the ascension to a Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy, further illuminating the path to her eventual scholarly zenith—a resplendent Ph.D. in Music Pedagogy.

Epitome of intellect and beauty!

Her professional pilgrimage, adorned with years of dedication, brought her to the hallowed halls of the Delta State Post-Primary Education Board in Asaba, where she sowed the seeds of knowledge. Currently, her luminous intellect and passion for pedagogy are imparted as a revered lecturer at the University of Delta State, ensconced in the serene enclave of Agbor.

Nkechi Florence Nmadu: Never daunted

Yet, Florence Nkechi Nmadu is more than the sum of her academic laurels. She is a maestro, a virtuoso, a harmonious marvel—a singer, a saxophonist, and a trombonist. But her brilliance transcends these musical realms; she stands as a beacon of intellect and grace.

With Mr. & Dr.(Mrs.) Nmadu
  1. In matrimonial union, she is the cherished consort of Emeka, her husband of nearly three decades—a man whose intellectual prowess knows no bounds. He, a visionary of remarkable foresight, pioneered the concept of motorcycles as a commercial mode of transportation in Nigeria. The union of these two formidable minds is a testament to their shared brilliance.
  2. As a confidant, Florence Nkechi Nmadu bore witness to aches and pains in the search for love. Fate smiled upon me within the hallowed walls of their home, the erstwhile secretariat for Project 25 Klubb of Nigeria. Here, love I found my wife, and destiny was fulfilled.
  3. In matters of faith, she exemplifies unwavering devotion. Her presence brought a sanctified serenity to our circle during youth days in the secular world. Her early Christian devotion, beyond reproach, is a testament to her steadfast soul.
  4. A paragon of work ethic, she accepts no defeat, her resilience is unwavering. Even in the face of graphic design complexities, her indomitable spirit persevered, yielding brilliant results. Quietly audacious, ruthlessly efficient, she conquers every challenge she sets her mind to.
  5. My dear friend Nkechi Nmadu, fondly known as Keach, is characterized by unvarnished honesty. Her integrity is unshakable; lies find no refuge in her presence. Her counsel is devoid of artifice, a stark contrast to the subtle stratagems one might expect of the female specie. Her candor, while occasionally startling, remains a beacon of truth.
  6. As a mother, she is effusively doting, an attribute shared with my wife, Justina, by some celestial alignment of September-born children. In her devotion, she may appear impervious to external concerns, yet her wellspring of kindness knows no bounds. Her heart, expansive and generous, embraces all who encircle her husband and family.
  7. Generosity flows from her heart like a ceaseless river. Whenever I find myself in Asaba, her insistence on providing accommodations in her home, much to the chagrin of other friends, is a testament to her boundless hospitality.
  8. The wellspring of her energy, a divine grace, continues to defy the ravages of time. At sixty, she remains dedicated to nurturing her musical career, crafting compositions that would make even those in their prime green with envy. Her recent offerings, sent to me for my comments filled me with pride, and left me speechless—perfection incarnate.
  9. Thus, as we gather to celebrate this luminous star of the Nmadu family, let us raise our voices in prayer. May Dr. Florence Nkechi Nmadu, (Keach), continue to bask in the radiant glow of good health. May her pastoral work be an unending source of blessings, and may she and her husband reap the abundant harvest of their seeds sown.
  10. On this momentous occasion, I extend my most profound wishes for an extraordinary birthday celebration. In this new chapter of your life, may you find even greater accomplishments and joys. Happy Birthday, dear KEACH!
Beautiful and always radiant


Florence Nkechi Nmadu, in conclusion, is a model of intellectual excellence, creative genius, and infinite compassion. Her path, as depicted in this tribute, exemplifies the heights that can be attained by perseverance and steadfast commitment to one’s passions.

As she celebrates her 60th birthday, we celebrate not just her previous accomplishments but also look forward to the future chapters she will definitely write with the same tenacity and grace that have defined her life thus far.

May the young find inspiration in her to pursue their aspirations with zeal, to embrace honesty and kindness, and to treasure the links of family and faith. Florence Nkechi Nmadu is more than a friend, confidante, or musician; she is a lighthouse.

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