Childless Pastor’s Wife Aborting Pregnancies For Seven Years of Marriage

In a startling discovery, a Pastor has discovered that his wife of seven (7) years has been aborting her pregnancies all that time. Now the Pastor has decided to take a second wife. Why is a married woman taking pills that prevent her from having children? Her reasons will shock you.

Lack of Agreement & Trust At Stake

This is clearly a case of betrayal of trust. We have also written about the importance of trust in relationships in the the past. But so is the absence of agreement on family planning. Indeed, the Pastor is justified to think that he has been made a fool for so long.

Agreement in Marriage

Amos 3:3 is a principle that God has revealed to mankind as the basis of all human relationships. In marriage, two become one. The absence of agreement exposes a marriage to spiritual leakages and infiltration. In the case of this lady, her job seems to be more important to her than her partner.

Marriage agreements are built on trust, communication, and shared decision-making. If a woman has been aborting foetuses without informing her husband for seven years, this suggests a breakdown in these critical features. Communication that is open and honest is essential in resolving this issue and charting a course ahead.

Trust Ensures Vulnerability

Without trust, partners can not feel vulnerable and free to express themselves in a relationship. To make matters worse, she has been presenting a facade for years, complicating the possibility of reconciliation the more. Every time this husband remembers this chapter of his life, he would be troubled about whether his wife is again doing what she had cleverly done for seven years.

Faith, Spirituality &  Religious Beliefs on Trial

The fact that this was supposed to be a religious family adds to the complexity of this story. How would this woman function as a pastor’s wife? Has this level of betrayal any place in marriage? Who would approach a woman of God who is neck deep in cosmetic-abortion? How does this affect the Pastor ‘s ministry if he decides to marry another wife? Would he divorce this ride? Does he have a Scriptural basis for divorce?

Can This Marriage Be Rebuilt?

Rebuilding trust may be a difficult and time-consuming process, especially when one partner has been deceived for an extended period of time. However, if both partners are determined to working on it, it is possible to rebuild trust in a relationship. This usually entails:

  1. Open and Honest Communication: Both parties must be willing to engage in challenging and honest discussions about what occurred.
  2. Accountability: The partner who violated trust should accept responsibility and demonstrate real regret.
  3. Transparency: The spouse that betrayed trust should be forthcoming about their behaviour and intentions in the future.
  4. Consistency: Rebuilding trust takes time, and consistent behaviour over time is critical.
  5. Professional Assistance: In some circumstances, couples therapy or counselling can provide a safe environment.


Finally, whether trust can be fully repaired is determined by the individuals involved, the amount of the breakdown, and their dedication to making the relationship work. The man has sworn to marry a woman who is ready to have children for him and his wife claims to have repented. Will he believe her? Should he? It may take time, effort, and patience, but in some circumstances, it is achievable.

Have your say…

Should he take her serious? Is this marriage reparable?

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