ANALYSIS: Challenges Of Multiple Births

Multiple births, such as twins, triplets, or higher-order multiples, are unquestionably a joy, but they also present distinctive challenges to the relationships. This article is motivated by the recent birth of nonuplets to a Nigerin lady Obianuju Anthonia Ibeanu. (Obianuju is a name given in Igbo land to children born in the midst of many other children.) These difficulties can have an influence on both the romantic connection between the parents and the family dynamic as a whole. Some may appear dramatically but others will most likely appear in due course. Here are some of the most typical relationship issues that might arise as a result of multiple births:

American born quintuplets: all girls
  1. Increased Stress and Fatigue: Raising one child alone can be physically challenging. Raising many infants at the same time could multiply this physical and emotional drain to the point of exhaustion. Sleep deprivation, round-the-clock care, and the needs of several infants may all contribute to increased stress and weariness, which can damage a relationship.
  2. Time Management: With several infants to care for, finding time for each other and keeping a healthy work-life balance can be difficult. Personal and relationship time may be restricted, making it harder to nurture healthy romantic relationships. In fact with a higher number of children, a larger support system would be required. The presence of a large retinue of helpers means less time for intimacy and privacy.
  3. Financial Stress: Having numerous children sometimes means having more financial commitments. Couples may experience stress as a result of budgeting, saving for their children’s future, and maintaining financial security. This and the increased stress of catering to many children contributed to the absconding of the father of forty-four children in Uganda in 2015. Mariam Nabatanzi Babirye, better known as Maama Uganda or Mother Uganda, is a Ugandan lady who has given birth to 44 children. Her eldest children were 28 years old in April 2023, while the youngest were six years old. She is a single mother whose spouse abandoned her in 2015, ostensibly due to the high cost of running a large family.
  4. Role Shifts: The advent of many infants might cause a shift in roles and duties within the family. One partner may be responsible for more childcare while the other is focused on work or other commitments. These shifts in roles can occasionally result in mismatches and misunderstandings.
  5. Lack of Personal Space: With several children, a home may rapidly become cramped. A lack of personal space and privacy can cause frustration and a sense of confinement, which can have an impact on the relationship and even the mental health of couples.
  6. Communication Difficulties: Effective communication is essential in any partnership, but it can become more difficult when coping with the stress and expectations of having several children. Miscommunications, disputes, and a lack of time for meaningful discussions can all occur leading to tempers and misunderstandings. .
  7. Emotional Rollercoaster: Both spouses might be affected by postpartum emotional changes and hormone imbalances. These feelings, when paired with the stress of multiple deliveries, can cause mood swings and emotional instability, which can have an impact on the relationship.
  8. Individual Needs: The duties of caring for many infants can often eclipse each partner’s needs and goals. Individual needs might be neglected, resulting in dissatisfaction and anger.
  9. Different Parenting Styles: When coping with several children, couples’ parenting ideas and practises might become more prominent. Disagreements and disputes might arise as a result of these disparities. Although men will be required to be more available than otherwise, constant presence may lead to conflicts as was seen during the Covid-19 era.
  10. External Pressures: Although friends and family members may provide well-intended advice and support, this may occasionally cause strain on the relationship. Balancing external expectations with personal preferences may be difficult. This is more likely where the two grandmothers with different parenting styles may find themselves required to support their newly born grand children.
  11. Reduced connection: The duties of caring for several infants might limit physical and emotional connection. This might put a pressure on the romantic side of the partnership. Romance may actually disappear altogether if care is not taken.
  12. Isolation: Due to the responsibilities of childcare, parents of multiple children may feel alone or separated from friends and social activities at times. This isolation can have an impact on both the support network and the relationship.
Mama Uganda and some of her 44 children abandoned by their father

Navigating the Challenges of Multiple Births

To successfully traverse these hurdles, open and honest communication is required. Couples should collaborate to create a welcoming and understanding environment. Seeking outside aid, like counselling or support groups for multiple parents, can also give useful resources and assistance. Setting realistic expectations and making time for self-care and quality time together may also assist couples in maintaining a good and loving relationship while raising their many blessings.


The Bible says that children are a blessing to those who have them. Psalm 127:3-5 loudly proclaims it: “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” The arrival of multiple children as in the case of Obinuju Anthonia Ibeanu is a blessing not only to the family but to the Community of believers. Leaders should therefore encourage members to sow into the lives of these children, knowing that no matter how rich a parent is, the challenge of providing effective parenting will overwhelm them.

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