ADVICE: Coping With Stressors

Discover effective strategies to manage and reduce stress in your life. Learn practical tips for dealing with everyday stressors, fostering resilience, and promoting your mental and physical well-being. Find the tools you need to regain control and live a more balanced, stress-free life.

Life is full of stress. Some scholars believe that stress itself is good for humans to thrive. Unfortunately, mental health experts see too much stress as the root cause of most mental illnesses. How do we reconcile these two extremes?

Sources of Stress

Life may seem overwelghming sometimes
Relationship issues can cause stress too

Stress can come from various unsuspecting sources. These include workplace, finance, relationship, health-related stress, life transitions, academic stress, parenting stress, environmental stress, technology and information overload, legal issues, discrimination and social injustices, personal expectations and perfectionism, addiction and substance abuse, trauma, and daily stresses. These sources can cause varying levels of stress, with some individuals experiencing more stress than others. Recognizing these sources and developing strategies to manage stress effectively is crucial. Addressing personal concerns and the sources of stress is crucial for the overall well-being of an individual.

How To Manage Stress

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Dealing with stress is a necessary ability for preserving physical and mental health. Work, relationships, health challenges, financial concerns, and other factors can all be sources of stress. Here are some coping mechanisms for stressors:

Keeping a diary of to-do list is crucial
Exercise to keep mind and body fit
  1. Identify and Acknowledge Stressors: The first step is to recognize and acknowledge what is causing you stress. Sometimes, simply understanding the source of your stress can be a relief in itself. Living in denial of the stressor will compound your case.
  2. Manage Your Time: Effective time management can help you reduce stress. Create a to-do list, prioritize tasks, and break them into smaller, manageable steps. The advantage of this is that you are able to determine before hand, which tasks are essential and which are not. This can make tasks seem less overwhelming.
  3. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Many exercises relax your mood. Some of them include relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, muscle relaxation, and mindfulness which can help, one way or the other, to calm your mind and reduce the physical symptoms of stress.
  4. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is a great stress reliever and you must cultivate the habit of using it. It releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Depending on your age and health condition, you should find the right exercise to help you deal with stress. Even a short daily walk can make a huge difference.
  5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: You will be surprised to hear that most of the modern food eaten by society is at the root of their health challenges. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol can help your body cope with stress more effectively.
  6. Social Support: Talking to friends, family, or a therapist about what’s stressing you may be therapeutic. Join a community of like-minded people and participate in the group activities. Social support can be a powerful buffer against stress.
  7. Set Realistic Goals: Many people set themselves up for failure by trying to do too much or to please too many people. Be realistic about what you can accomplish, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t do everything. Set immediate and future goals in a realistic manner.
  8. Problem-Solving: If your stressors are related to specific problems, use problem-solving techniques to find solutions. Brainstorming with people, evaluating options, and taking action to address the issues are some of the steps you can take.
  9. Avoid Unnecessary Stressors: If possible, eliminate or reduce exposure to things not within your control. This may include avoiding certain people or situations. Learn to say NO to situations or people that hurt you emotionally. Don’t allow others to damage you.
  10. Seek Professional Help: If you’re overwhelmed and coping strategies aren’t working, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers (MSW), licensed professional counsellors (LPCs), and psychiatric nurse practitioners (PMHNPs), are essential in diagnosing and treating mental health issues. They provide therapy, counselling, and assist with access to community resources, addressing social and environmental factors affecting mental health. Psychiatrists specialize in diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental illnesses, while psychologists use various therapeutic approaches. LPCs provide counselling and therapy services, while PMHNPs work independently alongside psychiatrists. Choosing the right professional depends on the specific nature and severity of the mental health issue. They can provide therapy or other interventions tailored to your needs.
  11. Develop Resilience: Developing resilience can help you deal with stress more effectively. Adaptability, having a good attitude, and learning from your experiences all contribute to resilience.
  12. Create Time for Yourself: Make time for yourself by taking pauses and engaging in things that you like. Personal time might help you replenish your batteries and cope with stress.
  13. Limit Information Overload: In today’s digital world, information excess can exacerbate stress. Take pauses from news and social media to limit your exposure to unpleasant or anxiety-inducing information.
  14. Practice Gratitude: Count your blessings on a regular basis. A thankfulness diary might be a useful tool in this situation.
  15. Recognise What You Can’t Change: Sometimes the best approach to deal with a stressor is to recognise that you can’t change it. Concentrate on the areas over which you have control and let the rest go.
Be grateful for everything
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Seek professional health when you can’t cope alone


Remember that stress management is a personal experience, and what works best for you may differ from what works best for others. It’s critical to try out several techniques and discover a mix that works best for you. Don’t be afraid to seek expert treatment if stress is badly impacting your mental or physical health. A stitch in time, they say, saves nine!



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