Will Your Pastor Allow Step-Siblings Marriage?

FAMILY DYNAMICS: The growing acceptance of second and third marriages has ignited a debate over the propriety of step-children marrying themselves.

Blended families have become quite common in recent decades. The possibility of step-children marrying themselves has become more likely given the growing statistics below. In this article, I wonder whether your Pastor will allow children who are step-children to marry in your church. By this I mean will you be allowed to marry the daughter or son of your father’s second wife? Here are some key statistics on the prevalence of blended families in the United States that indicate the likelihood of this kind of marriage happening:

Would step-children marriage be accepted in your religion?

– About 16% of children are living in blended families, according to a 2019 Pew Research study. This is up from 12% in 1980.

– Over one-third (35%) of all unmarried partner households have a child under 18 at home.

– Around 65% of remarriages involve children from previous relationships. 

– The number of step-families has increased dramatically – from under 1 million in 1960 to over 5 million in 2000, according to Census data.

– Blended families now outnumber nuclear families in the U.S. Nuclear families made up 45% of all families in 2020, while blended families were at 52%.

So in summary, blended families have gone from being relatively uncommon to now being more prevalent than traditional nuclear family units. The reasons for this include higher divorce rates, more children born outside of marriage, and people remarrying and bringing together families from previous relationships. The stigma around blended families has also reduced over time as they become more mainstream.

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Religious Beliefs on Step-Sibling Marriage 

Different religious groups have different attitudes to this issue.

  1. Christianity:
    • Catholicism: The Catholic Church generally accepts the validity of marriages involving step-children, provided they meet the Church’s criteria for a valid marriage.
    • Protestantism: Protestant denominations vary, but many accept remarriage and the formation of blended families. The emphasis is often on forgiveness and moving forward.
  2. Islam:
    • Islam generally allows for remarriage, including marriages involving individuals with children from previous marriages. The well-being of the children and adherence to Islamic principles of marriage and family life are emphasized.
  3. Judaism:
    • In Judaism, remarriage is generally accepted, and there is recognition of step-children within the family structure. Jewish teachings emphasize the importance of family, and efforts to ensure the well-being of all family members are encouraged.
  4. Hinduism:
    • Hinduism does not have a single, unified stance on step-children marriage, as beliefs and practices can vary among different sects and communities. In many cases, acceptance of remarriage and blended families depends on cultural and local customs.
  5. Buddhism:
    • Buddhism, like Hinduism, does not have a uniform stance on step-children marriage. It often depends on cultural and regional factors. Generally, Buddhism places importance on ethical conduct and compassion within family relationships.
  6. Sikhism:
    • Sikhism does not explicitly prohibit step-children marriage. Sikhs are encouraged to lead a family life based on ethical and moral principles. Remarriage and blended families are generally accepted within Sikh communities.

So it appears that blended or step-family members can legally marry each other in most places, even though they are not biologically related. Here are some key points:

– There are no laws against step-siblings marrying in most states in the U.S. or countries like Canada, UK, Australia etc. A friend that I sounded out on this issue also argues that Nigerian laws do not forbid it. This is because there is no direct blood relationship.

– The only exception is if the step-siblings were brought up together from a young age in the same household. Some places prohibit marriage in those circumstances due to concerns over grooming/abuse.

– Marriage between step-parent and step-child is legal in many states once the step-child comes of age. However, some places do prohibit this type of marriage even for consenting adults.

– In light of the above, this appears to be a good time to start examining societal taboos and the cultures that may occur in the process of this kind of marriage. One thing is certain given the rise in blended families, the likelihood that step-children may fall in love in future is there.

So in summary, while considered taboo by some, marriage between blended family members is often legally permitted unless the individuals were raised in the same home. The parties involved should weigh the complexities it may cause within their families if they pursue such a relationship.



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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

2 thoughts on “Will Your Pastor Allow Step-Siblings Marriage?

  1. I am a Christian so my comment will definitely dwell on what God says in the Bible. In Leviticus 18, God mentioned the marriages that He does not approve of. I believe that for any pastor facing such a dilemma, he can seek the truth from the Bible portion above.

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