DYNAMICS: Seven (7) Family Exercises That Will Deepen Your Bonds this Christmas Season

Are you worried that your family is tearing apart? Watching your children growing up without unity can be like a dagger thrust into your heart. While that is happening, you’re somewhat concerned that this might affect their personality and relationship building in future. You may also worry that your children do not have enough time to bond because of the fast paced generation we live.

Now you can improve bonding amongst yourselves by consciously designing or weaving activities that can make them work or play together and laugh together this Yuletide. Below are some Christmas era activities that would improve bonding amongst your children or siblings, irrespective of their age. Any member of the family can initiate them and they will still be fun.

Because sibling bonding is essential for the development of healthy and supportive relationships, here are seven family activities that can improve sibling bonding in a significant way:

Cooking or baking together: This can be a creative and fun way to involve siblings in a common task in which they can learn new skills, share responsibilities, and enjoy the results. It could also be any other task. Just make it fun and everyone would gladly participate.

Imagine expanding the cooking crew with wine and laughter to boot.

Playing board games: This is a great way to encourage healthy competition, cooperation, and communication among siblings. Siblings can also learn how to win and lose gracefully, as well as how to resolve conflicts, through board games. Draughts, Chess, Monopoly are some board games that are my favourites.

Playing games will teach life long lessons in a playful environment

Taking a walk or hiking: This is a simple and relaxing way to spend quality time with siblings while also enjoying nature and being active. Walking or hiking can also encourage siblings to communicate, listen to one another, and share their thoughts and feelings. Depending on how safe your area is, walking your dogs in group could be fun. Walking without the canines but with each other along a beach may be the most amazing feeling you’ll get this year, trust me. Think of the family lunch by the seaside, what better fun can you have!

Walking the dogs is relaxing and brings up endless topics for laughter and conviviality

Creating a craft or art project: This can be a fun and expressive way for siblings to express their creativity and individuality while also working towards a common goal. Crafts and art projects can also help siblings appreciate one another’s abilities and perspectives. Imagine the process of deciding what to draw or create, then gathering the materials required and executing the same. There plenty of challenges to occupy everyone including grandchildren.

There are endless number of computer games that can enhance bonding

Volunteering for a cause: Involving siblings in helping others and making a difference can be a meaningful and rewarding experience. Siblings can learn empathy, compassion, and social responsibility by volunteering. This is especially good for you spiritually. Creating a help activity for an orphanage, cleaning the street or getting a common social problem solved can inspire many other families to emulate you.


Watching a movie or a show: This can be a cosy and entertaining way to bond with siblings over a shared interest while also having some laughs or tears. Watching a movie or a television show can also spark discussions and debates among siblings about the characters, plot, or message. Consider going to a Cinema together and afterwards a family dinner.

Playing a sport or a physical game: This can be a fun and energetic way to get siblings moving and sweating while also developing teamwork and coordination. Playing a sport or a physical game can also help siblings relieve stress, improve mood, and have fun.

Family hiking is another way to bond

I suggest you organize an inter family match between yours and another family; then enjoy how your family will work through their strategies to win.

– Family Bible Quiz: creating fun around studying for the Bible may also make for fun. Let the winners receive the choicest chunks of the dinner protein or something cute. Studying the Bible in a fun manner can be amazing. (If you need help designing the quiz, contact our lines 08073030307 or 08160970707 for assistance in creating exciting quizzes for your family.)


You can make this season more meaningful as a family bond improvement time than waste on frivolities. Playful or organized working together are some of the ways you can bring your family closer together again and thereby create memories that would last everyone a lifetime.


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