PUZZLE: “Why Does My Husband Want My Younger Sister?”

A mother of three children has been sacked by her husband of seven years because he has ‘fallen’ in love with her younger sister. He has also sent her children away with her for no other reason. Family and friends are puzzled. The man has completely changed and become hostile to his beautiful wife. In a video clip, the lady narrated her experience to SoniaOfficial, a lifestory online medium.

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Genesis of the Problem

According to the lady, the problem started when her younger sister finished her examination and notified her that she was coming to join her. Unsuspecting, she welcomed her blood sister and was looking forward to helping her settle down. That has turned out to be a miscalculation as she has now lost her marriage and home to the younger lady.

Breaking The Jinx

The puzzle was solved when the young woman’s secret juju was unearthed by a pastor consulted by SoniaOfficial presenter. The lady’s sister had used a charm to hypnotize her husband and make him fall in love with her. The pastor was able to break the charm and restore the man’s love for his wife. This is a happy ending to a sad story. 🎉🎉🎉


Relationship Issues

Apart from the sister-sister relationship that has been damaged, this relationship dynamic has thrown up several other important issues.

The case study above highlights several relationship issues.

Adultery: The husband’s infidelity with his wife’s younger sister is a clear example of adultery.

Emotional Abuse: The man’s sudden change in behaviour towards his wife and children is an example of emotional abuse. The effect of this on the children’s mental health may need to be assessed.

Child Abandonment: The fact that this man in question sent his children away with their mother for no apparent reason is a good example of child abandonment. It has legal implications.

Spiritual Manipulation: The young woman’s sister who used a charm to hypnotize her sister’s husband and made him to fall in love with her under false influence is an example of manipulation. In some countries she could be sued for this offence.

When there’s a sudden and inexplicable detour in a hitherto happy marriage, Divine help is always available

Conflict Resolution: The pastor’s intervention that helped to break the effect of the charm and restore the man’s love for his wife is an example of conflict resolution. When there’s a sudden and inexplicable detour in a hitherto happy marriage, Divine help is always available.

It is important to note that these issues are not unique to this case study and can occur in any relationship. It is essential to recognize and address these issues to maintain healthy relationships.

Have Your Say

This is a real-life drama. Have you witnessed a similar thing? How was it resolved? If this were to happen to you, what would you do? Should this lady forgive her younger sister? Please comment in the Reply box below. Thank you.

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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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