TRIVIA: Understanding Catastrophizing 2

These are the answers to our trivia questions published in the Facebook group Social Media Hangout.

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  1. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves exaggerating the importance of negative events or minimizing the significance of positive events, such as thinking that a minor setback is a disaster or that a compliment is meaningless³?
    • A) Magnification and minimization
  2. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves basing one’s beliefs or decisions on feelings rather than facts, such as thinking that one is unlovable because one feels lonely³?
    • A) Emotional reasoning
  3. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves making rigid or unrealistic rules for oneself or others, and feeling guilty or angry when they are not followed, such as thinking that one should always be perfect or that others should always agree with one³?
    • A) Should statements
  4. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves attributing negative intentions or characteristics to others without sufficient evidence, such as thinking that someone is lying or cheating without proof?
    • A) Mind reading
  5. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves predicting negative outcomes without considering other possibilities, such as thinking that one will fail an exam or that a relationship will end badly³?
    • A) Fortune telling
  6. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves holding oneself or others to unrealistic or unfair standards, and judging oneself or others harshly based on them, such as thinking that one is stupid or worthless because of a flaw or mistake³?
    • A) Labeling and mislabeling
  7. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves focusing on the negative aspects of a situation and ignoring the positive ones, such as thinking that a day was ruined because of one bad thing that happened?
    • C) Both A and B
  8. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves assuming that one is the cause of or the target of other people’s actions or reactions, such as thinking that someone is angry because of something one did or that someone is laughing at one?
    • C) Both A and B
  9. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves believing that one has no control over one’s life or that external forces have complete control over one’s fate, such as thinking that one is helpless or that everything is predetermined³?
    • C) Both A and B
  10. What is the name of the cognitive distortion that involves finding fault or blaming oneself or others for something that was not entirely one’s or their responsibility, such as thinking that one is to blame for a breakup or that someone else is to blame for one’s unhappiness³?
    • C) Both A and B

I hope you enjoyed this trivia. Come back next week for more!😊

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