PATERNITY: “My Boss’s Wife Wants Me To Kill Her Husband So That We Can Become Husband and Wife”

A chef has confessed that he nearly killed his good employer at the prompting of his boss’ wife. The confession was made to Realzitachy, the online video crew. Ayo, the chef, claimed that the only child, a son, of his millionaire employer was his own biological child that he fathered through his adulterous intimate acts with the wife of the kind rich man, who recently gifted him the sum of Two (N2) Million Naira, despite having left the man’s employ as a result of fear and guilty conscience. Should Ayo have confessed to his boss that he is the biological father of his only child? This relationship quandary is what Realzitachy is facing. Although a pastor allegedly advised him to confess to his employer, the exposure has collapsed the world of this millionaire whose wife, currently on an overseas tour with their only child, allegedly had regular trysts with their chef, anytime the husband travelled abroad.

‘You’re not the father of the boy’

It is one moment when Zit, the presenter committed one of the worst offences a journalist can commit. “Ayo has come to confess so that you will know you don’t have a child.” Really? Hearing her make that statement about three times threw me off my chair. Why are you rubbing it in, I wondered allowed.

Complex Balagan

The Jews talk of a balagan when the situation has blown out of proportion. It has become a big problem. We will look at the relationship issues that this throws up and analyze the carelessness of the Pastor and this presenter which leads me to raise my call again for safe pranking and more professionalism in the online space.

Relationship Issues

Ayo left the employ of his boss because he was afraid that the boss’s wife would make him kill her husband. One who can not be trusted with his boss’s wife, can not, in the long run, be trusted with the food he serves clients

The presented circumstance contains a complex web of ties and ethical quandaries. Let’s break down the essential features and problems in relationships:

Shocked: Moment of reality!
  1. Confession of Paternity: Ayo, the protagonist, alleges that he is the father of his boss’s lone child. The decision to reveal this could have serious ramifications on both a personal and professional level. The disclosure of such a secret can undermine confidence and cause emotional suffering for everyone involved.
  2. Pastoral Involvement: Ayo claimed to have sought guidance from a pastor, who advised admitting to the employer. The pastor should have gone with Ayo, in my view. You don’t throw your member into the lion’s den and abandon him there. Where is the maturity in that? Apart from the morality problem, it also calls into question the quality of guidance that religious figures can offer in matters that are deeply complex and have many professional ramifications. Did the Pastor advise him to take a video crew along too? I doubt that!
  3. Relationship Dynamics: – The boss’s wife has been accused of having regular trysts with their cook. This reveals marital infidelity, resulting in a complex web of deception and betrayal. That she muted the idea of eliminating the good man has completely shattered the trust and confidence that this man may have had in his wife. It might lead to a breakdown in the marriage’s trust and communication.
  4. Professional Implications: Ayo left the employ of his boss because he was afraid that the boss’s wife would make him kill her husband. One who can not be trusted with his boss’s wife, can not, in the long run, be trusted with the food he serves clients. This is going to have a very big effect on his professional perception. It may hurt his professional career and revealing such personal information could jeopardise his employment and career. 
  5. Legal Implications: Although in Nigeria we do not have a history of people going to court for paternity verification, also known as DNA testing, this matter may lead to serious litigations. Ayo, the employee, his employer, whom he calls ‘a father’ and his boss’s wife may become embroiled in legal wranglings, further complicating their already confused lives.
  6. Emotional Toll: It is impossible to overestimate the emotional toll on all parties concerned. Betrayal, guilt, and heartbreak are all likely emotions. If care is not taken, there will be a total loss of faith in women, abandonment of the wife and her son, and other extreme possibilities like mental breakdown.
  7. Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea: The effect on the five-year-old boy, who may become entangled in emotional crises that are not his fault is inestimable. For the rest of his life, this exposure would hurt this child forever unless proper counselling services were provided and protective actions taken.

Non-Professional Handling of Personal Issues in the Online Space

The exposure to the public in this manner was not tactful. She is lucky that no one was killed in anger. There would have been a murder case or one of being an accessory to murder hung on her neck

What if this man had a heart problem and he collapsed?
  1. Violation of Privacy: Zit, the presenter, made the confession on a public platform. This not only makes private matters public but also raises ethical concerns regarding the role of the media in personal matters. The manner in which the material is conveyed has the potential to impact public opinion and intensify the emotional toll on the individuals involved. She has by this action completely obliterated the chances of concealment and private settlement of Ayo’s mistake and the turmoil in the families involved.
  2. Unfair Exposure: No matter how juicy the news was, the woman in question deserved to be present or to make her own reaction. The possibility exists that Ayo may be on a vendetta for any number of reasons. A professional would have considered this side of the story. There should have been a way to get her comments before going to town. Making Ayo to speak to her on the subject and possibly threatening her that he wanted his child would have made the woman speak the truth on the phone.
  3. Beyond A Good Story: When we train journalists, we remind them that lives are affected by the actions and inactions of journalists. This was one occasion when maturity was required from any news handler. Unfortunately, Zit displayed crass knowledge of the professionalism that was required. Too many lives are impacted by this story. The exposure to the public in this manner was not tactful. She is lucky that no one was killed in anger. There would have been a murder case or one of being an accessory to murder hung on her neck.


This is one of Zit’s most important relationship videos that I have watched. She has been doing very well, better than most others in that space but when it mattered most, her lack of training or non-professional maturity showed through this. I recommend professional training for her, Chiamaka Ugoo, SoniaOfficial, Untouchable Comedy, Lord of Lemon, Odogwu and several of them if they want to stay long and build a business out of the loyalty segment of the relationship market and avoid legal entanglements that they are dancing at its corridors.

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