One Week After their wedding, This Lady Cheated With Numerous Men

An unfaithful new wife has just been exposed. One week into her marriage, she had started bringing her lovers into her husband’s house, breaching the security measures put in place by her husband. The unbelievable incident was broadcast by IpallyTalker, an online influencer on his YouTube channel recently.


When questioned whether she had offended her husband in any way, she claimed not to. “Have you ever cheated on him with anyone?” She responded that she had never. Adding that she was 100% sure that she had never cheated.

Hurried Marriage

Her marriage was hurriedly contracted because she reported to her husband that she was pregnant with a baby from their recent liaison. The frequent travelling husband did not want his lover exposed to ridicule. Hence, he hurriedly arranged for the marriage and travelled overseas, leaving her in his house with the security guard to ensure she was comfortable.

While he was away, she contacted her “numerous lovers” according to her husband, who came into his house to frolic with his new wife. She would let them into the house through a secret back door to evade the eye of the security man. She did not know that her husband was seeing everything from his base abroad.

Cameras Everywhere

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To ensure his own safety and that of his family, her husband had previously installed cameras everywhere in his house. To her consternation, he asked the denying cheater, “Why do you think I have flower vases everywhere?” He continued, “All the flower vases have CCTV cameras.” Wanting to see proof, Godwin, the presenter asked to see if it was true. When he saw the evidence of his client’s cheating, he was disappointed.

watch the video below for details.

Lessons to learn from this video

The following eight (8) lessons can be learned:

  • Avoid Premarital Sex: The first lesson is not to enter into intimacy with anyone before marriage. It is always a bad idea to jump into bed with women you are not so familiar with
  • Conduct Due Diligence: This marriage has already been consummated. Therefore, the man is still legally bound to fend for her until it is resolved by a court. This palaver would have been avoidable if he had done due diligence before marriage.
  • Communication is Essential: Effective communication is essential in any relationship. Without detailed discussions about expectations, values, and future plans, rushing into marriage might ultimately lead to misunderstandings.
  • Trust but verify: While trust is the foundation of a strong relationship, it is also crucial to verify facts when necessary. In this case, the spouse placed cameras for security concerns, emphasising the need to take precautions to maintain reliability. But this situation could have been avoided with more pre-nuptial scrutiny.
  • Maintaining Boundaries: In a partnership, having clear limits is essential. The wife’s activities of bringing other men into the marital household violated his trust and disrespected marital boundaries, highlighting the significance of defining and honouring limits.
  • Building a Solid Foundation: Rushing into marriage for external reasons, such as an unforeseen pregnancy, may lead to issues down the road. Marrying someone because she is pregnant is a bad decision. Indeed in some parts of Nigeria such as the Delta Igbo areas, no pregnant wife can be given away in marriage. She would rather be advised to have the baby first before marriage rites.
  • Learn from Red Flags: Recognising red flags and resolving concerns before marriage can help avoid future complications. If there are any uncertainties or concerns, they must be addressed openly and honestly.
  • Security First: While trust is essential, it is not unreasonable to take precautions to guarantee the security and privacy of a relationship. The husband in this case deployed security cameras to protect his family and property.


This was a hurriedly contracted marriage without proper due diligence. Unexpected shocks and surprises are not uncommon in these kinds of situations and the baby in the lady’s womb might have to be tested for paternity since since she had numerous lovers.



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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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