MYSTERY: Why Does Every Suitor That Visit My House Flee?

Have you heard of the saying that the ant that eats the fish, lives within? After four suitors came to look for the hand of Amarachi in marriage and fled from the family house never to return, the children took their destiny into their own hands and went to Playmate Comedies to seek his assistance in unravelling the secret of their predicament and the revelation is unnerving. This story is a captive tale of how a family has been under the juju spell of an auty, Chinaza, whose charms have prevented good things getting to the first son who graduated eight years ago with flying colours from getting a job and his beautiful sister from getting married.

Kingsley unimpressed with Pastor Destiny’s wretched dressing

Amarachi in pain over experiences.

‘Suitors Run Away Once They Visit My House’

Evil Aunty mocks Pastor Destiny

‘I have been dating any suitor that visits my house, they will just run away..I don’t know why. I can’t tell…I am tired of it’, says Amarachi but when the young pastor appeared they looked down on him and Kingsley her brother said Pastor Destiny looked so ordinary that he could be complicating their lives the more. Kingsley who had submitted his CVs in over eighty companies since his eight years of graduation without getting one needed convincing that Pastor Destiny, who was not corporately dressed may not be able to help his situation. When he got to the family, their mother was more hostile to the pastor’s presence.

You’ve Not Been To My House, How Do You See Darkness Over My Family?

I see darkness over your family

The journey to the deliverance of this family started with predictions and revelations that shocked Kingsley. The Pastor called his name without knowing him before, described his mother and aunt and informed them that their compound was full of darkness. Kingsley found that strange and wondered how he could see the darkness in his family without even being there yet.

There’s No Charm In This House, We’re Christians

When the pastor revealed that there was a charm under Chinaza’s bed, she denied and her sister, the mother of the two children blurtedthat “We’re Christians in this family, we don’t have it any charm here..There’s no charm in this house”. A coffin and a baby doll were brought from under her bed and more was to come.

Confession time, Chinaza begins to own up

Another charm was buried beside a tree where the whole family goes to brush their teeth every morning. After prayers, Chinaza confessed to have brought the charm into the family.

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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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