Women In Pair Bonding

A woman may only be socially pair bonded to her husband. This is one situation where many marriages have problems. A wife may be tagging along because it is financially convenient but emotionally she may be entangled with someone else. Some of the irritating behaviours that men complain about their wives partly stem from this emotional incompatibility.

A wife may be tagging along because it is financially convenient but emotionally she may be entangled with someone else. Some of the irritating behaviours that men complain about their wives partly stem from this emotional incompatibility.


More Partners More Worries

Prof. Daniel Olukoya has described this situation as a split of spirits. According to him, the more sexual partners a person has, the more fragmented they are spiritually. This is because (s)he keeps creating linkages, bonds and chains of affection and spiritual connections. This results into fragmented souls. In this part of this important essay, we will be discussing pair bonding as it affects women.

Effects of Pair Bonding On Women in Multiple Sexual Relationships

Pair bonding has significant implications for women in multiple relationships. Let’s explore these effects:

1. Emotional Well-Being:
Monogamy pair bonding frequently offers security and emotional stability. Women who are in many relationships at the same time may experience emotional problems as a result of their split affection and attention. Let give you an example. During a Counselling session, a man complained that his wife was fond of calling the name of another man while they were making love. This Freudian slip is a clear case of pair bonding gone wrong. Obviously she had become accustomed to a level of satisfaction with that other man and had endured poor sex with her husband all those years. So when he got her close to what she expected from the other man, she could not, in the heat of action, rationally associate her boring s£x-al experience with what she was feeling.

During a Counselling session, a man complained that his wife was fond of calling the name of another man while they were making love.

One of the most typical feelings when managing several relationships is jealousy. Feelings of uneasiness, anxiety, and abandonment fear are also common among women.
– As you have seen from the example above, unintended communication is one complication with multiple partners since it takes honest and open discussion to manage expectations and boundaries while working with several partners.

Communicating freely and honestly is impossible with multiple pair bonds established in your mind. It makes it complex, to manage expectations and maintain healthy boundaries with multiple partners.

2. Physical Health:
Stress: Managing several relationships at once can cause stress. Prolonged stress has a deleterious effect on all aspects of health, encompassing immunological response, cardiovascular health, and psychological state.
Sleep Disruption: Having to manage several relationships can emotionally upend sleep patterns, which can have an impact on general health.
STI Risk: Having several sexual relationships raises the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

3. Mental Health:
Depression and Anxiety:

Managing several relationships can be emotionally taxing, which can lead to depression and anxiety. Anxiety or depression symptoms are not uncommon in women.
– Loneliness: If emotional ties are tenuous or absent, women may experience loneliness even when they have several relationships.
– Self-Esteem: Women who are in several relationships may have trouble believing in their own value, particularly if they think of themselves as changeable or substitutable.

If emotional ties are tenuous or absent, women may experience loneliness even when they have several relationships.

4. Social and Cultural Factors:
Stigma: Conventional wisdom frequently promotes monogamy. Women who have several relationships may experience stigma or judgement.
Social Support: Adequate social support can help to lessen the effects of bad things. Strong emotional resilience can be acquired from family and friends.

5. Identity:
Self-Identity: Women may grapple with questions about their identity, autonomy, and personal values. Balancing multiple relationships can challenge self-perception.

6. Parenting and Family Dynamics:
Parenting Challenges: It could lead to children being involved in complex situations like strange health issues, emotional imbalance and managing multiple relationships. A married woman was caught recently in a prank video posted by SoniaOfficialTV to be contact with her man friend the biological father of the four children she has for her husband. The story was published here
Family Acceptance: Family members may struggle to accept non-traditional relationship structures.

In summary, while pair bonding can provide emotional fulfillment, women in multiple relationships must navigate emotional, physical, and societal complexities. Open communication, self-awareness, and self-care are essential for maintaining well-being. 🌟🤝🌼

Consequences of Pair Bonding

Watch out for the consequences of Pair Bonding in the next article in this series coming up next Wednesday.

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Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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