TRIVIA: Emotional Intimacy and Loneliness

Do you realize that you can be married and lonely? Here are the answers to the trivia questions published in our Facebook Group Social Media Hangout platform to help you understand the condition and to help you find relief.

here are the correct answers for each trivia question:

  1. b) Deep emotional connection
  2. a) True
  3. b) Feeling disconnected from loved ones
  4. b) Lack of communication and understanding
  5. c) It depends
  6. c) Open communication
  7. b) Spending quality time together
  8. a) True
  9. b) Seeking professional help
  10. b) It deepens the connection

Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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