“I’m Finished,” Father Caught Sleeping With Son’s Wife in A Hotel

A father who advised his son Pascal to marry a ‘good girl’ he found in his working place, who was  caught in bed with the same girl in a hotel, has declared “I’m finished!”

What was she thinking?

The young wife was said to be a junior colleague to the father, but unknown to the son, they were actually lovers. His father had devised a secret plan to keep his lover in his family by getting his eligible bachelor son to marry her. He had convinced the young man that he had observed his bride at close quarters and was convinced that she would make a good wife for the young man. His plan did not last long as friends of the younger man soon began to see the old man in a hotel too frequently with his son’s wife. They notified Pascal and he invited SoniaOfficialTV to help burst the secret love affair.

“I’m Finished” video


Pascal’s father in shock

Room Service Trick

Pascal’s wife jumping out of bed

While pretending to be a staff of the hotel, Sonia had knocked persistently on the room door to get the love birds, who apparently  in deep passion, to open the door to collect a message from the manager of the hotel. As soon as the door opened, the son’s wife was found covered in towel whilst the husband’s father was sweating in his boxers.

Pascal’s wife caught in cheating with her father-in-law
Pascal Why Are You Here?”

“Pascal Why Are You Here?”

“Why are you here? What are you doing here?” Hollered Father-in-law. “Are you so idle that you have nothing else to do, Pascal?”

The young man fired back at his dad: “So this is how much of a ‘good girl’ she is? Good in bed with you? This is why you convinced me to marry her, right?”

My Musings

This is a very embarrassing situation for the family. The respect a child should have for his father is gone forever. Restoring this family dynamic will take a long careful process. This father will need to do restitution and clearly requires repentance. Christian counselling sessions would help and some deliverance prayers may be required. This is the typical case of who ever breaks the hedge the serpent would bite.

Pascal will need trauma counselling. Professional Counselling Services will be required to help him get over his mental agony and cynicism that may ensure. He will likely have problems trusting anyone with his disappointing experiences in the hands of his parent and wife.

I don’t see much restoration taking place in this marriage. In the first place Pascal seems to have been coerced into it. The scales have fallen off. There seems to be no children yet so it’s easy to disengage.

Pascal Father’s Reputation has not only been hurt and damaged in his family, he’s likely to lose respect in the office too. The son’s wife will hardly have much love from her colleagues.

Finally, there might be cultural taboos that this kind of abomination will excite. In some communities, the father may be excommunicated for sometime and he may be required to undergo some process of cleansing.

Over all, forgiveness is what will give this family a permanent healing.

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