TRIVIA: Emotional Loneliness and Intimacy 3

These are the answers to the trivia questions published in our Facebook Group Social Media Hangout platform for today March 30, 2024. We hope you enjoyed your day answering these questions? Tell us how many you got right.

21. b) Solitude is the state of being alone by choice, while loneliness is the feeling of being alone involuntarily.
22. a) True
23. c) Practicing active listening
24. c) It promotes healing and reconciliation
25. a) True
26. b) Engaging in self-care activities
27. b) It can lead to stress-related illnesses
28. a) True
29. b) It can only be solved through romantic relationships
30. c) Engaging in open and honest communication and seeking support together

Published by larryhappiday3

I am a believer in change for good, committed to the ideals of a Christ-like life as the best way to build relationships.

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