BIRTHDAY: PAI Obanya At 85

The seven (7) philosophies that Emeritus Professor of Education, PAI Obanya presented to the world are hereby captured on his 85th birthday anniversary. Perhaps these will spark some reflections and engender some action amongst those who are in positions of authority today.

Addicted to the Abuser

Several important ingredients contribute to someone’s “addiction” to their abuser, including oxytocin (bonding) and endogenous opioids. It’s important to understand that the term “addiction” in the context of abusive relationships can be complex and different from the traditional understanding of substance addiction. Psychological factors, trauma bonding, and the dynamics of power and control play significantContinue reading “Addicted to the Abuser”

Musing on the Girl Who Slept With Her Boyfriend’s Friend

Explore lessons from the girl who slept with her boyfriend’s best friend to raise money for his surgery. Was she a villain or a hero? Your opinions may help to clarify this existential quagmire

Ronaldinho’s 44!

Ronaldinho turned 44 a few days ago. In this tribute to excellence, Ngozi Asoya x-rays the contradictions that make the legend a human.

MYSTERY: No One In This Family Lives To Be More Than 22yrs

Will Donatus escape the family’s record of dying at twenty two (22) years or would he go the way of his three dead siblings? That’s the core of this human interest story and man’s race against unforseen circumstances. Discover the apparent secret of how a father brought a charm allegedly killing members of his household including himself into his family.

TRANSITION: Death of Omu of Okpanam

The colourful Omu of Okpanam, Obi Martha Dunkwu has passed on at 68 and has been buried immediately according to her wish. After twenty (20) years as the highest titled female office holder in Okpanam traditional settings, she will be remembered as a modernizer who brought intelligence, a professional background and panache to the office.

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