TRANSITION: Death of Omu of Okpanam

The colourful Omu of Okpanam, Obi Martha Dunkwu has passed on at 68 and has been buried immediately according to her wish. After twenty (20) years as the highest titled female office holder in Okpanam traditional settings, she will be remembered as a modernizer who brought intelligence, a professional background and panache to the office.

MONDAY MOTIVATION: Adaora Ogunniyi on Enjoying Your Adventure Into Self Discovery

Inspiration & Quotes Focusing on one thing at a time give immense clarity and expands your ability to see beyond the ordinary On Being Focused Regardless of when the flower blooms, the flower blooms… and completes its cycle. Enjoy every inch of your ride when you begin. Adaora Oguniyi, Waves Aligning Watch My YouTube Relationship VideosContinue reading “MONDAY MOTIVATION: Adaora Ogunniyi on Enjoying Your Adventure Into Self Discovery”

WEEKEND CONFESSION: He Steals From Fiancee To Gamble

An unemployed Boyfriend has stolen his Fiancee into desperation and near bankruptcy. Steve, the boyfriend of Vera, lacks nothing. She feeds her fiance, clothes him and even sends money to his parents. Yet, he will not keep his hands away from her finances nor leave her shop alone. Unconcerned Bela has been losing huge sumsContinue reading “WEEKEND CONFESSION: He Steals From Fiancee To Gamble”

MONDAY MOTIVATION: Lucy Crehan on Knowing What You’re Good At

Inspiration & Quotes How you start or when is not as important as where you’re going On Being Focused People develop at different paces at different life stages. Many of us are late bloomers. Bill Gates? Steve Jobs? Ray Kroc? Sim Wong Hoo? These are famous personalities who have made it big in life despiteContinue reading “MONDAY MOTIVATION: Lucy Crehan on Knowing What You’re Good At”

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