Clean Mind

“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” Matthew 15:19 Scriptures Mark 7:6. “…Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”Mark 7:21-23 “… For from within, out of the heart ofContinue reading “Clean Mind”

The Magic of DNA

For sometime now, I have been watching the America reality TV show Paternity Court. I’m thrilled, revolted and flustered by each episode as real life actions and inactions inactivate our foibles, our heroism and, more importantly our connectedness. The recent discovery that a world famous preacher is a Nigerian by descent has upped my interestContinue reading “The Magic of DNA”

The Tree and His Branches

If a tree is dead, it is cut down. It becomes useless and a cog in the wheel of its owners’ enterprise. It loses its’ value thereby. Luckily, Jesus Christ is a tree that has been exalted above every tree and every other tree bows before His Majesty. It is a privilege to be consideredContinue reading “The Tree and His Branches”

How Wide is the Gap?

You may be passing through situations right now that equate a quaking and tremulousness tearing your faith apart, one bad incident after another. Only good trees bearing sweet fruits attract stoning. Haven’t you noticed? When you have value, you attract attention: good and bad. Cheer up! Jesus was hurled with all kinds of false accusationContinue reading “How Wide is the Gap?”

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