“I’m Finished,” Father Caught Sleeping With Son’s Wife in A Hotel

A father who advised his son Pascal to marry a ‘good girl’ he found in his working place, who was  caught in bed with the same girl in a hotel, has declared “I’m finished!” The young wife was said to be a junior colleague to the father, but unknown to the son, they were actuallyContinue reading ““I’m Finished,” Father Caught Sleeping With Son’s Wife in A Hotel”

Musing on the Girl Who Slept With Her Boyfriend’s Friend

Explore lessons from the girl who slept with her boyfriend’s best friend to raise money for his surgery. Was she a villain or a hero? Your opinions may help to clarify this existential quagmire

INFIDELITY: Naval Officer’s Wife, Mother of Seven Months Baby, Caught in Hook-up Trap

A woman alleged to be the wife of a Naval officer has been caught pants down in adultery and exchanging her body for s£x. That she was taking her less than one year old baby on this occasion has infuriated her husband to no end. Explore with us the increasing cases of infidelity in marriages in Nigeria.

“Go To Hell With Your Father’s Money,” Wannabe Husband Breaks Marriage to Rich Girl On Their Wedding Day

Desperate wannabe abandoned his Pregnant girlfriend of many years to marry a rich girl. He denied her repeatedly but turned around to ask his new rich wife to “go to  h*ll with your father’s money.” In this complicated real life story, Amadiva-Dance video crew was invited by the scorned pregnant lady to help her. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxt30UiCzAeoVXd0dgE8v0fNKJlzkWfwYa?si=ywBw5VValM2JgnNmContinue reading ““Go To Hell With Your Father’s Money,” Wannabe Husband Breaks Marriage to Rich Girl On Their Wedding Day”

I Made This Charm To Kill My Husband

The extent to which a woman would go to show her love is explored in this article. It’s not always wholesome neither noble but it proves a life long mystery: you can not force a woman to marry whom she hates, no matter the money involved

LOYALTY: “My Fiance’s Name Is Samuel Not Ben” Church Girl Who Got N22m Diamond Engagement Ring Caught In Infidelity

An American based Nigerian is confronted with infidelity of his church -girl and confused on how to recover his N50m from her.

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