BIRTHDAY: PAI Obanya At 85

The seven (7) philosophies that Emeritus Professor of Education, PAI Obanya presented to the world are hereby captured on his 85th birthday anniversary. Perhaps these will spark some reflections and engender some action amongst those who are in positions of authority today.

PUZZLE: “Why Does My Husband Want My Younger Sister?”

In this SoniaOfficial reported relationship issue a husband, wife, and younger sister are entangled in a love triangle. The younger sister’s secret love juju was discovered by a pastor, who broke the charm and restored the husband’s love for his wife. The story highlights issues like adultery, emotional abuse, and conflict resolution.

TEEN: Babies Having Babies

Explore the complex issue of teenage pregnancy in “Babies Having Babies.” Delve into the social, economic, and health repercussions faced by young parents, uncovering the challenges that can perpetuate a cycle of hardship. Discover the impact of cultural norms, economic factors, and peer influence on this phenomenon and understand why addressing this topic is crucial for the well-being of both young parents and their children.

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