MONDAY MOTIVATION: Robin Soderling Warns on The Risk Of Stress Overload

Inspiration & Quotes Burnout Listen to your body because it will communicate every change taking place inside of you. I was the perfect person to have a burnout because I was not listening to my body at all. Robin Soderling Learn a lesson from our relationship videos

Cognitive Distortion: Catastrophizing

Explore the intricacies of Catastrophizing, a cognitive distortion with profound effects on mental well-being. Uncover its mechanisms, consequences, and real-life stories of individuals overcoming this pattern of thinking. Discover practical strategies, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, to reshape cognitive patterns and cultivate resilience. Gain insights into the intersection of catastrophizing with other mental health conditions, and understand its impact on decision-making, relationships, and physical health. Join us on a journey towards a healthier mindset in the face of life’s challenges.

ADVICE: Coping With Stressors

Discover effective strategies to manage and reduce stress in your life. Learn practical tips for dealing with everyday stressors, fostering resilience, and promoting your mental and physical well-being. Find the tools you need to regain control and live a more balanced, stress-free life. Life is full of stress. Some scholars believe that stress itself isContinue reading “ADVICE: Coping With Stressors”

Top Twelve (12) Stressors of New Mothers

New mothers often face challenges such as sleep deprivation, breastfeeding difficulties, postpartum hormonal changes, isolation, work-life balance issues, domestic responsibilities, body image concerns, relationship changes, financial stress, parenting pressure, loss of freedom, and time management. Effective coping strategies include seeking help, communicating openly, prioritizing self-care, dividing responsibilities, joining support groups, managing work hours, budgeting, self-acceptance, and including the child in life activities. Ensuring a personalized coping strategy is essential.

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