WEEKEND CONFESSION: “I’ve Collected Your Man, Go Find Yours!”

Two best friends are at war over the love of a man. The man in question has been the boyfriend of one of the ladies for six (6)years and is still in that relationship but her best friend claims to have collected him from her. According to her, “overtaking is allowed” so she has advisedContinue reading “WEEKEND CONFESSION: “I’ve Collected Your Man, Go Find Yours!””

TRIVIA: Dating Etiquette 1

Welcome to this weekend’s edition of our regular Trivia Questions and Fun. The questions related the answers below are found in our Facebook Group Social Media Hangout. Correct Answers: 1. b) 15 minutes early 2. c) Chewing with your mouth closed 3. b) Cancel as early as possible and reschedule 4. b) After a fewContinue reading “TRIVIA: Dating Etiquette 1”

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