‘My Brother-in-law’s Pregnancy Is Still My Husband’s Child’

Witness the shocking tale of a family betrayal that has destroyed a long-distance relationship. Dive into the tumultuous journey of Austin Okon, whose wife has become pregnant by his own brother. Explore the desperate search for answers, the role of professionals, the Church, and the power of forgiveness. Can trust be restored, or will this devastating betrayal lead to an irreparable break?

Due Diligence Before Marriage

“Pre-Marital” Due Search: A Smart Move for a Happier Future! Before taking the plunge into the sacred institution of marriage, it’s wise to do some homework. Conducting due diligence can be a game-changer, helping individuals make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls down the road. So, let’s dive in and explore why this responsible approachContinue reading “Due Diligence Before Marriage”

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