TRIVIA: Emotional Loneliness and Lack of Intimacy 2

Below are the answers to part 2 of our trivia questions on emotional loneliness and lack of intimacy published in the Facebook Group Social Media Hangout platform for today March 23, 2024. 11. b) Lack of emotional support 12. b) False 13. b) Mental health issues such as depression 14. b) Denial of one’s feelingsContinue reading “TRIVIA: Emotional Loneliness and Lack of Intimacy 2”

“Go To Hell With Your Father’s Money,” Wannabe Husband Breaks Marriage to Rich Girl On Their Wedding Day

Desperate wannabe abandoned his Pregnant girlfriend of many years to marry a rich girl. He denied her repeatedly but turned around to ask his new rich wife to “go to  h*ll with your father’s money.” In this complicated real life story, Amadiva-Dance video crew was invited by the scorned pregnant lady to help her. reading ““Go To Hell With Your Father’s Money,” Wannabe Husband Breaks Marriage to Rich Girl On Their Wedding Day”

PATERNITY: “My Boss’s Wife Wants Me To Kill Her Husband So That We Can Become Husband and Wife”

A chef has confessed that he nearly killed his good employer at the prompting of his boss’ wife. The confession was made to Realzitachy, the online video crew. Ayo, the chef, claimed that the only child, a son, of his millionaire employer was his own biological child that he fathered through his adulterous intimate actsContinue reading “PATERNITY: “My Boss’s Wife Wants Me To Kill Her Husband So That We Can Become Husband and Wife””

WIDOWHOOD: Courage Amidst Adversity: A Ugandan-Nigerian Widow’s Story of Triumph

Explore Betty Nansikonbi’s heartfelt interview as she shares her unique journey through widowhood, influenced by the cultural traditions of her Ugandan tribe and Nigerian court marriage. Gain valuable insights into the challenges, societal expectations, and support systems for widows and widowers, highlighting the importance of empathy and advocacy in the face of cultural complexities.

Eid-el Mubarak!

Dear Readers! My family and I wish you a very happy Eid Al Adha . As you prepare to spend time with family and friends, we wanted to send a little note of love with our warm wishes. Happy Celebrations all our Muslim friends and followers of this blog! Let’s make it a better worldContinue reading “Eid-el Mubarak!”

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