MYSTERY: No One In This Family Lives To Be More Than 22yrs

Will Donatus escape the family’s record of dying at twenty two (22) years or would he go the way of his three dead siblings? That’s the core of this human interest story and man’s race against unforseen circumstances. Discover the apparent secret of how a father brought a charm allegedly killing members of his household including himself into his family.

London-based Man Held Captive By Desperate Woman For More Than Eight (8) Months

How Kayamata Captured Visiting Husband for About 8 Months. Stopped communicating with his wife as soon as he landed in Nigeria and stopped providing for them. How is it possible that a married man with two children would fly into Nigeria from abroad and end up a captive to a woman? This is the intriguingContinue reading “London-based Man Held Captive By Desperate Woman For More Than Eight (8) Months”

PUZZLE: What’s the Missing Piece of this Relationship Puzzle?

Join the conversation as we delve into a thought-provoking relationship story. Explore the complexities of a former couple living together after an 8-year relationship. Uncover hidden dynamics, diverse perspectives, and the missing puzzle pieces that shape their journey. Share your insights and opinions on this intriguing tale of love, growth, and self-discovery.

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