TRIVIA: Self Care 3

This is the concluding part of our trivia series on Self Care. The questions are found on our Facebook Group Help-A-Soul-Alliance (HASA). TRIVIA: SELF CARE 3 Answers 21. c) Sublime 22. b) Learning styles 23. a) SMART goals 24. a) Broaden-and-build theory 25. a) Exposure therapy 26. a) Affirmation 27. a) Emotional intelligence 28. a)Continue reading “TRIVIA: Self Care 3”

TRIVIA: Self Care 2

Here are the answers to the second part of our trivia questions found in our Facebook Group Help-A-Soul-Alliance HASA. TRIVIA: SELF CARE 2 11. What is the term for the practice of expressing gratitude for what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack? a) Appreciation 12. What is the name of the techniqueContinue reading “TRIVIA: Self Care 2”

SELF-CARE: How Can He Love You When He Doesn’t Love Himself?

No can give more love than they contain. Self-awareness will increase self-love and increase the quantum of self-care in out society. Discover how you have been self sabotaging and learn ways to care better for your emotional and physical well being.


1. What is the term for the practice of being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the present moment? a) Mindfulness 2. What is the name of the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold, silver, or platinum, which symbolizes embracing one’s flaws and imperfections? b) Kintsugi 3. What is the acronymContinue reading “TRIVIA: SELF CARE 1”

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