Fellowship of liars

Many of us in Church live a lie. We inherited some lies but have no conviction to dissemble those lies. We lie sometimes to save face even sometimes to save our loved ones from pain: white lies. Unfortunately, God forbids lying. It is called bearing false witness. Whether we bear false to save ourselves orContinue reading “Fellowship of liars”

The Love Of God

by Hazel Straub The love of God finds expression through the extravagant love of Jesus, who took our shame, blame, condemnation, burdens, curses, diseases, fear and sin, when he died for us. He sets us free from pain. His amazing love draws us to him. His goodness, mercy and lovingkindness, are beyond measure. Accept hisContinue reading “The Love Of God”

Issues Of The Heart

Great Change Is On Us! by Apostle Gabriel Cross We the Bride of Christ, are in a new place and great change is upon us. Previously, the church was like the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years, suffering many things and not getting better. The woman had spent all she had butContinue reading “Issues Of The Heart”

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